We were approached by Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) to rebrand and recenter their identity for Keep Kauri Standing – Kauri Dieback Disease. The new programme identity was established through a collaborative engagement process between mana whenua, stakeholders, and local and central government – never undertaken by MPI before.
We worked on
- Co-design approach
- Film editing
- Brand identity
- Campaign
- Print & digital design

The consensus on the old Keep Kauri Standing brand was split amongst the communities that used it. Love it or hate it, it was time for a refresh, especially with impending COVID-fatigue, we needed to evolve the language and visuals to steer away from the “Stop the spread” call to action and the danger yellow colour-way.
To do this we facilitated 3 workshops, along with Atawhai Tibble who led one of the engagement sessions. We also collaborated with Ben Thomason (Moko artist and Māori designer), who assisted us in authentically weaving Te Ao Māori, heritage, and contemporary Māori values into our design work.
As a result, we created Tiakina Kauri | Kauri Protection, that represents and acknowledges not only the history of the programme, but the physical and spiritual aspects of working with Kauri and the wider ngāhere.

The logo is the keystone of the identity. Made up of a unique graphic of the kauri roots and canopy, the new programme name (Tiakina Kauri), and anchored by the primary mission “Kauri Protection”, the logo depicts the binding relationship of the kaupapa.

The new brand identity strikes a delicate balance between traditional and contemporary. The Tiakina Kauri | Kauri Protection brand is aspirational and inspires people to come together under a single brand, be a part of the collective, to grow together, and strengthen the mahi they represent.

“I am absolutely stoked that this brand will represent such critical work going forward and will become a well-featured brand across our kauri lands and in the hearts of the people.”
Senior Communications & Engagement Advisor, MPI